Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Lessons From Tiger

So we have all heard about Tiger Wood's many trysts... if you haven't you have been under a rock since his story trumped Pearl Harbor and Health Care Debates... US Weekly is even writing stories about Tiger not using condoms...

He has placed a bright light on the biggest dilemma when it comes to women protecting themselves... It is one thing to have your heart broken by a cheating spouse, but to also contract an STD or HIV is devastating. There are many women out there who have done nothing wrong and yet are forced to suffer some major health consequences from their husband's infidelities.

Condom use is a no-brainer when you're dating, and you don't know your partner's medical history... but what if you are in a long-term, committed relationship, marriage and you thought you knew about their health? What if you are going through a rough time, or your partner/spouse travels extensively for business? How do women protect themselves from someone else's lapse of judgment? There is no perfect answer... but what would you do in Elin's place? What do you do if you have a gut feeling that your partner/spouse is cheating on you and may not be using protection?

Feel free to comment...

Love Well. Love Wisely.


Anonymous said...

"Many women who have done nothing wrong..." I am very disturbed by that sentence, are you implying that "women who do something wrong" should get infected with HIV? And what is the definition of something wrong? If a woman had multiple partners and became infected with HIV is she the woman you talk about who did something wrong?
I think we have to be careful about making value statements, lets not judge behaviours lets rather define them as safe or unsafe; and remember that HIV can happen to anyone!
Despite my issue with that statement, I think this product is innovative and great- how does one get hold of it outside the states?

Rachael said...

The word "wrong" can imply judgment however, it was trying to convey that they have been a faithful wife, and can suffer the consequences of a cheating spouse which is the "wrong" I am talking about. Cheating on your spouse is a "wrong" under the normal assumptions of a marriage. If a couple has a different arrangement under the word marriage then they wouldn't be wrong, they would just be adding risk of infection. Each partner we have adds risk, that's just a fact with or without judgment. Of course I would NEVER say anyone SHOULD get HIV, my life has been spent trying to prevent the spread of the disease so that's where I will end that.
There is always a knee jerk reaction when people get infected because of multiple partners. But at the end of the day "multiple partners" can mean the one or two people you have ever slept with... condoms aren't 100% but they are very effective in preventing the spread of STD's including HIV.
I appreciate your comment because it is the conversation we all need to keep having about the reality of HIV.
As far as the compacts go... we can ship pretty much anywhere in the world. During check out you can choose the country and go from there. If you need any further help with our site, please feel free to contact us:
Thank you again and Love Well. Love Wisely.