Have you seen the new face of AIDS? She's beautiful, she's young, and she's dying. The condom needs to become your new best friend if you are sexually active. No more excuses, no more reasons that you shouldn't use one, he will love you even if you insist, and if he doesn't... it wasn't really love to begin with.
We all realize condoms are ugly, they're a pain, and they slow you down for just a bit... but let's face it, AIDS and STD's are even uglier, more painful, and can slow you down to a dead halt.
So make condoms a norm! If you want, you can put them in a cute compact and keep them in your purse "Just In Case"! Check out www.JustInCaseInc.com
Nothing like introducing your condom to your lover in chic compact. Take charge of yourselves, ladies. When you empower yourself in one aspect of your life it spills over into many aspects. Self-respect and self-love are some of the sexiest qualities in a woman. Demand the respect of yourself, and require it from your partners. It just may save your life.